Board of Selectmen's Meeting 1.23.23 - REVISED - Virtual

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom
Monday, January 23, 2023 - 7:00pm

Due to inclement weather the meeting has been moved to a virtual meeting using Zoom

On July 16, 2022, Governor Baker signed into law An Act Relative to Extending Certain State of Emergency Accommodations, which, among other things, extends the expiration of the provisions pertaining to the Open Meeting Law to March 31, 2023. Specifically, this extension allows public bodies to continue holding meetings remotely without a quorum of the public body physically present at a meeting location, and to provide "adequate, alternative" access to remote meetings. The Act does not make any new changes to the Open Meeting Law other than extending the expiration date of the temporary provisions regarding remote meetings from July 15, 2022, to March 31, 2023.

Meeting ID: 857 1290 6976
Passcode: 212999
Dial in:  +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)