Closed 3/17 Until Further Notice

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Starting tomorrow, Tuesday March 17 Whitinsville Social Library will be closed until further notice. The due dates on all Whitinsville Social Library items have been extended. We do have a book drop in the back parking lot but we ask that you keep all items that are checked out to you until we reopen. Fines will be waived once we reopen. Items that were placed on hold will be kept on the holds shelf for a week after we reopen.

Library is open abbreviated hours today (3/16) from 10 AM - 3 PM. Please do not come in if you are feeling unwell or are a part of a vulnerable population. We ask that if you come in today to stay at least 3 feet away from staff and other patrons and to limit what materials and surfaces you touch. We have hand sanditzer and Lysol wipes at the desk. Per Governor Baker's order we cannot have more than 25 people in the building at one time so you may be stopped at the door.

Here’s a great article from Johns Hopkins about the importance of social distancing and “flattening the curve.” Here's another great article from the Washington Post.

Here's the link to our online collection. 

We will have some fun social media posts, how to videos, read along storytimes to keep you entertained while we are closed.

The library director will be in every day to feed the fish and check the answering machine. If you do have a question that has not been addressed please email Rebecca at Thank you all for your patience during this time. Be safe!